My SECRET to Making Money as a Solo Female Digital Nomad!

Are you an RV Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur? Wondering how to make money while RV Living Full Time? Or, Wishing you could Start An Online Business to help fund your Full Time RV Life? When I quit my 9-5 job and planned to Work From Anywhere, I had no idea it would lead me to Living in an RV. My side hustle I used to generate extra income turned into a Full Time RV Living Career! Now, I’ve been a Solo Female Digital Nomad and Nomadic Entrepreneur for over 7 years! But, When I started my first online business, the biggest struggle I had was how to make money on the road – since I sold Physical Not Digital Products and Services at the time.

So if you’ve been looking for Remote Work Ideas and want to know how to make money while RVing Full Time (aka as a Digital Nomad RV Living) then, this video is for you!

This is NOT a list of RV Business Ideas, but more of How to make money while traveling in an RV ONLINE, or How I have been able to make money through Personal Branding (as Bloggin Brandi and as a Business as RVersity)! Learning how to sell not just products and services but MYSELF! The Truth is… You don’t need a job or business idea to get started making money online! You don’t even need to be RV Living Yet! >> WATCH and Learn My SECRET to Making Money as a SOLO FEMALE DIGITAL NOMAD RV LIVING Full Time!

About Me:

Welcome to RVing For Bosses! This a community within RVersity (RV + University) but created for working-aged RVers! Hi I’m Blogging Brandi your host, an avid RVer and Entrepreneur! Over 9 years ago, I was working a full time job I hated, just to pay my bills. One day, I decided to change my life. I downsized: sold my condo, car, and practically everything I owned. Then, I bought an RV and found a way to start making money from a house on wheels as a digital nomad. BUT, I never realized how many other nomadic Entrepreneurs existed and wanted to start Making Money Working From Home or While They Roam On The Road in their RV which is why I decided to create RVing for Bosses!

🎥 P.S. In Case we haven’t officially met you can WATCH MY STORY: WHY I decided to Live Full Time in an RV? and How I became A Solo Female Digital Nomad Entrepreneur!

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🚨 WATCH >> My BIG RV Life UPDATES: What’s Happened & Coming Soon!

Here is the transcript from the video:

So I wanna know if you will be part of my passion project and my passion project will actually help you start your own passion project. And so if things look a little crazy here in this room, it’s because my life has been up in arms. Um, and so if you follow my story, this video is not hitting you by accident. I’m sending you this video. I’m inviting you to be part of my passion project. Either we’ve talked or you’ve joined my email list, or you’re one of my followers or fans. And so I couldn’t just make this one video and send it to each person or make a video for each person. So I’m making this like summary version. So if you’ve ever wanted to start a business or side hustle or extra income, I’m teaching you one kind of like how I did it.

I used to do a course on how I did it, but it’s really not an efficient way. If you wanna be an RV entrepreneur, if you wanna have multiple streams of income, if you want to create, um, an I’ve done an app, a book, a, um, course, I’ve sold my products and services. I’ve sold other people’s products and services. Um, but you don’t have to have anything. You can do merchandise. There’s all kinds of things that you can sell. So what I wanted to tell you is I’ve created this page. Um, if you go to RVing for, if you’re not already on that page, cuz I’m gonna put this video on that page. Um, but if you’re wondering how to become an RV entrepreneur, start your own business, you can run from anywhere. You don’t need a business idea. Um, I’ve got you. No problem.

I’m gonna show you literally like how to brand yourself and turn yourself into a business. And then you can also sell your own products and services or other people’s. And I’m gonna show you like how I get, um, people coming me and saying, like, Hey, will you do a product review? And I’ll send you free products. And so there’s money involved in this. Um, speaking of which, so you don’t need an idea. I’m gonna give you like a roadmap, okay. An an action plan and everything. And you don’t need to be worried about like all the, what ifs. And I’m looking like at the page that I’m talking about right now, so this is kind of unscripted, but I wanted to show you like what you can expect in this course. And it’s from like getting organized, like a boss, branding, like a boss, doing your social media, your website, your email, everything.

So people always ask me, Hey, like how do you start this business thing? How did you start your side hustle? And so this is really the mini dumb down version, which is jam packed. And I actually feel is kind of like undervalued. So I thought about doing joining this wait list and all of that and filling out applications. And so I kind of already do that with my larger course, but, um, I really wanted something that was affordable and for multiple people, because I do have a wide range of people that follow me, that I feel that you could really do something bigger with your life and your passion skills. So whether you wanna sell your artwork or you wanna sell a digital product, um, I personally

Am love digital products, but I know in my RV, um, I sold personal, uh, products or like physical products at one point. So, um, by physical products, I mean like, you know, like a pen or something, I didn’t sell this pen, but that’s what I’m talking about. So digital products would be like a course, but it doesn’t have to be your own. I’m gonna show you how to do all of that. So here’s the deal, whether it’s a side hustle, a second income and extra income, this is what I’m gonna call like RVing for bosses. And I have pitched this to some of my students and gone through this with, excuse me with them. And so this is also unscripted. Um, that’s how much I love you that I’m doing this just unscripted. So there’s a start date on this of September 1st, but I’m trying to get you in the doors, get you, get your application, get the, um, information from you about like what kind of business you’re trying to start so that I can make sure that one you’re in the right place.

And two also that the content that I’m giving you is what you need. Okay. So I I’ve already created either 21 days or five weeks or one month that you can do this in. And so that’s why we’re starting out on September 1st because I’m traveling, I’m doing all this new RV stuff right now. And so it, I want to give you my undivided attention. So in September 1st, this is launching and I’m gonna have, at least I’m looking for at least five people that are really serious. And you want my undivided attention about like, how do I start my business? Looking at your business, your website, your social media pages, giving you feedback, all of that that’s involved. So I have start date of September 1st. You’re gonna have bonuses, like email access and Facebook group, um, phone calls and things like that. I’d really like to do like a phone call with everybody that’s joining.

Um, at least if I can get those five people in this to jump on a call before this, if it all works out and um, say like, Hey, this is what I’m really trying to do after I can like read through your application. So you’re gonna sign up, put your payment in. You’re gonna fill out the application questions that I, um, haven’t even done yet. But by the time you watch this video, they’ll be done. <laugh> so, um, those are on there and then I’m gonna be able to read through those and then we’ll book a time to chat. And this will all be done before September 1st. But September 1st is when I’m gonna open the doors and you’re gonna join the I’m gonna have the Facebook group and everything else that you need. So that we’re gonna have, you’re gonna have, um, even more bonuses because I told you you’re gonna really have unlimited support. I’ve made this really pretty page. So you’re gonna have one on time. One on one time with me group time with me, and this will be changing eventually. You know, once I like open the doors to everyone on this, but right now I really want to just get people in this and then close the doors to this on September 1st. So I plan on closing the doors. If I, if this gets full, I

Might might have to close the doors before, but at least by September 1st, I’m probably gonna close the doors. We’re gonna go through this with at least the five people that are gonna join. And, um, then I’ll reopen this eventually. And here’s why this is really important because you’re gonna get free marketing from me. Okay. So I wanna hear your testimonials and your feedback. Your feedback helps me in my course, your testimonial you’ll get free marketing on my page. Okay? So I’ll say, oh my gosh, go look at my student who created their business and did all this from my passion project RVing for bosses. And that gives you free marketing, cuz people go and look at you. And so it’s a win for me and a win for you. And so what that also works out for is if you tell people about the course, once I reopen the doors, then I will give you referral income.

So we’ll do like a referral program. That’s my plans. So you can get paid off this as well. So I’m excited. I hope you’re excited. And I’m really looking for some really serious people to join. This is kind of like I said, unscripted, um, it’s gonna be the whole month of September. You’re gonna have a business plan from start to finish. You’re gonna have my support. You’re gonna have a group of other people that are going through this. Cuz I have a ton of people that have asked me about this. And so I’m doing it. Okay. I may not ever do it again. <laugh> I don’t know, but I wanna know how serious you are and at least you can get my feedback and have unlimited kind of like access to me for the month of September. And we will at least launch your business. You’ll have a plan, you’ll get my tools and resources and all of the fun stuff.

So you’re gonna have video tutorials for me. You’re gonna have a checklist, cheat sheets, downloads. You’re gonna have phone calls, emails. My Facebook group support is gonna be a whole big loving family of RV entrepreneurs. So multiple streams of income that you can run from anywhere. You could sell a physical or digital product, but I’m gonna give you the platform to like do it all and show you how I do it. How I market myself. It could be your dog, your cat, yourself, like whatever you want. Okay. So I’m excited about this and I can’t wait for you to join. So I will see you on the other side. Once you join, you’ll fill out an application. Um, you’ll yeah, once you join, you’ll submit your payment, fill out an application and then I will get with you about, um, scheduling a time to chat. So this is all in the works, but I’m super excited. This is in beta and I’m ready to get your passion project started. I’ll see you on the inside. Love you.